Tuesday, February 5, 2013

So Fresh.

I reminisce a lot here.  I think it’s pretty normal, and most other Peace Corps Volunteers would probably say the same.  I can’t confirm that though, but it seems like it would be true.  Anyways, I reminisce a lot, and I’m always surprised by how my memories of life in the US – analyzing the construction projects on L street as I walk towards my sister apartment in DC, sweating into the back of my seat as speed across the bay bridge on my way to the shore in a car no 26-year-old deserved to be driving, lugging boxes of vases of the step and narrow stair case to Becca’s old office where I was always greeted by an wave of enthusiastic salutations and a gorgeous group of smiles, or waiting in line at Chipotle and attempting to order my burrito in Spanish all the while always forgetting to ask for extra pico – still seem to fresh in my mind.  I can’t get over that, and I constantly wonder if that’s going to change.  It has to, right?

With every new day, the past falls further and further behind and as time fades away, I have to assume that the extraordinary amounts of details I’ve been remembering will follow suit.  I hope not.

(Random Note:  I read somewhere that when you remember something, you are actually just remembering the last time you thought about that same thing.  I feel like that’s something Helen, or reddit, or both probably showed me) 

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